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#4: redecorating came first

After the decorating was finished I decided that lizards were better than elves.

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So I didn’t finish Aenur on time. I had hoped to get a final January hobby evening in to just rush through him (I’m not planning on putting any effort in to be honest, because I’m not enjoying the model. He might get repainted some other time) but redecorating the living room took a little more time than we were expecting, and it just didn’t happen.

Aenur has been re-pledged to redeem my failed oath in the Just One Model contest, but I’m ignoring him right now because he’s annoyed me! Instead, tonight I spent a little bit of time getting to know these guys!

Excuse #4 - Seraphon

Naturally I went straight to the cavalry, because two lizards per model is better than one! The sculpts are showing their age a little bit – these guys first came on square bases, right? – though when compared to the general standard of newer Citadel releases. Generally they’re not bad, but the saddles are truly awful! I can’t seem to find any of the heads with open jaws that are pictured on the box art, but maybe that’s just bad luck?
The shields being attached to arms across the range is also annoying, but I’m sure I’ll just make a mess and come to accept it!

Due in part to my obsession with mould lines an hour or so sat at the desk has only resulted in two Cold Ones and a single rider, but I’m still happy enough with the evening’s work. It’ll be quicker in future I think.

Excuse #2 - Seraphon cavalry

In other news I broke my self-imposed eBay ban (I have neither the money nor the need for more plastic!) by bidding on two auctions, both for more Saurus Knights. ~£28 has got me 15 more coming still on their sprues, which I don’t think is too bad at all!

So that’ll do for now I think, as my work-weekend is about over. If I manage to find time next week we’ll hopefully see a badly painted elf in his finished state and more scaly things! 😁

pawl has been an on/off hobbyist since the late nineties but still possesses significantly more enthusiasm for the hobby as a whole than skill with a brush, and so is always on the hunt for fast, easy and lazy techniques that give good results. Despite this he sometimes still attempts to paint Space Marine helmet lenses, and occasionally even manages to stay within the lines!

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