It has been the best part of ten years (and all of the time I’ve spent since getting back into the hobby) since I actually had a hobby desk, so suddenly having a little bit of space to squeeze a table into left me much more excited than I should probably admit. Naturally I had grand, extravagant plans that real-world physics didn’t allow for, but I’m pretty happy nonetheless.
In an effort to get things set up I spent a full day emptying out every hobby storage box I own. Given my natural lack of organisation (and habit of stuffing whatever is in my hand into the nearest space available when previously packing my gear away!) this wasn’t a simple process! Still, I think the end result is pretty reasonable. The time spent will easily repay itself in not having to pack/unpack when I want to work!
The desk itself was a second-hand freebie. It isn’t what I was originally looking at but it’s saved me a fortune at IKEA! I had to buy something though, and two Tertial lamps were a good replacement for my old folding lamp. Between them you’ll see a third arm, which is just a cheap phone holder. No idea what I’ll do with it, but I don’t see myself competing with Vince Venturella any time soon!
You’ll also see a box of tools and spare bits for them, brushes and glues on the left. The right has my airbrush, wet palette and vortex mixer. The middle is where the magic would happen, if I were anything close to a paint magician.
Where I spent most of my time though was hunting round trying to collect up the contents of the drawers. We have:
PAINTS! VMC and VGC to the left. P3 top right. S75 Instant below them, and Vallejo Metal Color (plus a GSW gold pigment) below them. Artist inks top middle and Citadel Contrast filling the gaps, plus a few random bottles from The Army Painter/S75/AMMO/AK/Monument.
MORE PAINT! All the other Citadel paints, including some ancient 90’s hex pots top right. ProAcryl bottom middle. Left corner is some Molotow bottles, plus varnishes and primer. Right hand side has an AMMO rust set, MicroSol/Set, chipping fluids and some other goodies.
Oils, enamels, pigments and basing materials. All things I need a lot more practise with!
Lastly, ‘stuff’. There’s about a million pipettes, plastic cups and plastic shot glasses. A can of hairspray. A can of varnish that will never be used again. A load of GSW bases that won’t fit into my little cardboard box full of bases. A bag of ~200 ball bearings, and some spare super glue. I’m not really sure what was going on here, in all honesty!
It might not look like much, and I’m sure it doesn’t look exciting, but I’m over the moon with it. I might not have as much space as I wanted or the comfiest chair in the world, but it’s my space. At any time, day or night, I can now easily remind myself that I still can’t paint! 😁 If you have any suggestions for things to add or look at next, the comment section is down below!
What you can’t see here though is the contents of the wardrobe, which is where all the other stuff ended up!
Oh, and the two things not pictured?
One: my bottle of Vallejo Sunny Skin Tone. I know I have it. I have the receipt and it’s in paintRack, but it has vanished!
(update: I found it, hidden in plain sight!)
Two: my White Dwarf collection. That will get its own post one day!
(update: it got its own post!)